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I am David, a student at Escape Studios, pursuing my passion for art. I aspire to make a significant impact in the industry. VFX has always captivated me, with its collaborative nature where artists come together to produce breathtaking visuals. The industry offers a wide range of roles and opportunities, but my focus lies in the effects department, where I create compelling simulations using various techniques.
The area I would specialize in effects in Houdini as its always been my area of passion for a long time since it's one of the harder softwares to master and I intend to fully commit to this specialism.
What was your inspiration for pursuing a career in VFX?
My inspiration for VFX could date back all the way to when I was around 14 years old and I saw "Blade Runner 2049" for the first time. I was struck by how computers could create such stunning visuals and environments. Upon closer inspection, I realized there were hundreds of talented artists with the same passion as mine who were doing this for a living, which is when I knew I wanted to pursue a career in VFX.
What hobbies do you have?
I currently enjoy and play music on a daily basis since its a way to unwind for a bit and to forget about everything going around you for a second.
How would your peers describe you in 3 words?
Passionate, Interested and hardworking
Do you have any industry experience? If so, please give a concise explanation of the experience.
While I haven't actually worked in the industry yet, I've been to workshops, seminars, and talks led by industry folks. They've given me a pretty good idea of what to expect and what's needed, so I feel ready to jump into it when the time comes.
How would you describe your contribution to your group project?
In my team, I was a modeller and created different variations of a robots foot. To get the final model, I went through different iterations and closely studied the movements of real life robots and how their joints work with one another to accurately model something appropriate.
What lessons did you learn from undertaking your project that you'll take with you into your career?
One thing I learned was that, more often than not, ideas could be scrapped at the last second if they don't fit with the narrative. An example of this was a version of a foot I modelled. I was ready to UV it when we had a team meeting and it was explained that the foot was too mechanically big and cumbersome, and it didn't fit with the art style we had in mind.
What would your ideal first role in the industry be?
I would love to start out in the effects department, learning techniques and the general pipeline. I would like to focus more on pyro and water simulations as they are quite visual simulations, and seeing the final outcome is quite satisfying. This would complement my strengths as a visual learner too.
What's an achievement from the past 3 years that you're proud of?
I recently created a 3D visualization concept of a club for one of my brother's friends who was planning on opening a club. I was given a 2D blueprint of the plan in meters. I then started modelling the club and adding details and such throughout three weeks. In the end, the client was super satisfied with my attention to detail and the quality of my work.
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