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I'm Jake, an eager artist wanting to put smiles on people's faces with the work I create or play a part in creating. My main view in the world is you have to be the best in whatever you do. I don’t believe in coasting at the same level of experience and skill and not aiming to be the go to person when things arise. So that is my main goal in life moving forward, learning whatever I can when I can. I would like to start my career as either a Junior Compositor or a Roto/Paint Artist.
Compositing, and Roto Prep 2D
What was your inspiration for pursuing a career in VFX?
My inspiration for VFX, apart from films themselves, is actually a YouTube group called Corridor Digital/Corridor Crew. I have been a fan of theirs since I was about 9. I remembered seeing all their shorts and just loving the videos they were creating. I loved how with VFX you can truly create what ever comes to your mind. When they eventually created their channel Corridor Crew, which showed BTS of some of the things they were making, I truly fell in love with VFX.
What hobbies do you have?
The hobbies I currently have is gaming, I am also Learning Piano whenever I can. In my final year at Escape, I’ve been quite busy and haven’t been on top of it. Watching films and tv shows is also something I love to do. VFX obviously. Filmmaking and photography, I like coming up with ideas of scenes or films in my head and jotting them down, I also like writing scripts for some things I would like to create. I’ve always said that my first pay check will be to get a camera, I’ve been stuck using my iPhone to take the pictures I have.
How would your peers describe you in 3 words?
Never Stops Working
Do you have any industry experience? If so, please give a concise explanation of the experience.
I haven’t had any direct work from the industry, but I have worked on 2 short films that I got the chance to work on, from knowing the person and through Escape. Those 2 people worked in ILM and ImagoVFX. So, although I didn’t work directly for those companies, I treated it like it was. They each gave me a good understanding on time frames and the quality of work that needs to be done, as well as other things I learnt.
How would you describe your contribution to your group project?
In the project, D.A.N.S, my role was 2D Lead, Compositor and Roto/Paint Artist. At the start of production, I made spreadsheet to easily see the shots and what tasks needed to be done for each. I was then in charge of distributing the work between the 2D artist in the team, whilst keeping in mind their availability, skills, and most importantly, what they wanted/needed for their showreels and own personal practice. Other than that, being the person for feedback and completion of tasks.
What lessons did you learn from undertaking your project that you'll take with you into your career?
A couple lessons I learnt was to make sure that you are having fun and not get overwhelmed with all the work you have to do, as you always work better and faster when doing so, and this can be as easy as setting to do lists for myself or just learning something new. The other lesson is communication. Making sure to communicate is always best, as it can improve your work if you are asking for feedback or it can save everyone’s time if you say your struggling with something.
What would your ideal first role in the industry be?
I would love to start off as either a Junior Compositor or a Roto/Paint Artist. My dream position is to be a compositor because I love the way that you are the one who gets to put the final looking shot together. I'm always excited to learn more about Nuke and Silhouette.
What's an achievement from the past 3 years that you're proud of?
The achievement I am most proud of is actually this last year at Escape. In this year, amongst all the course work I had to do, I managed to work on a total of 6 short films, 4 of them were external to Escape, 3 being student films, 2 of them our own. I'm most proud of my time management skills so each work I was doing got my attention and not one lost quality in work - at one point I was doing 4 films at once! Each film improved me more and more as an artist and person.
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