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Hi! I'm Dylan Went, a student at Escape Studios specialising in Material Art. For years I've had an interest in 3D creation, as well as a personal love for video games all my life, so I’ve taken the best possible route to merge the two. My choice of career would be a Texture or Material Artist as I am expanding my knowledge and skills in this area every day with my own personal projects!

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Material Artist




What was your inspiration for pursuing a career in Game Art?

Once I had heard the underdog story of Sean Murray and No Man's Sky, I had a boost of motivation to go for my dream job! Luckily around this time I was searching for my next steps and found a video game art college course which served as my introduction to this industry. My tutor advised me that if I wanted to get the best chance of breaking into the industry I should apply for Escape Studios, and ever since I was accepted I've been fully motivated to join the industry!

What hobbies do you have?

At this time, a few activities I've been really enjoying are Photography, Tennis and Bowling. One of my main pieces of work in every group project is creating high-quality stills and cinematic trailers, so taking my knowledge and experimenting outside with my camera has been a lot of fun! As the weather has been getting a lot nicer recently, my friends and I visit our local park every weekend to play tennis which I've had a great time playing and if the weather happens to be poor on those days, we visit the local bowling alley for hours which I also actively look forward to!

How would your peers describe you in 3 words?

Creative, Helpful, Reliable.

Do you have any industry experience? If so, please give a concise explanation of the experience.

Whilst I haven't had any direct experience working for a video game company, I have attended multiple lectures and workshops from industry members while studying at Escape Studios. I believe this has given me strong insight and a good understanding of what it's like to work in this industry, as well as what's expected of me.

How would you describe your contribution to your group project?

In our final year project, "The Last Shanty", my role was creating around 20 different materials that could be used around the entire scene. As our project's style took heavy inspiration from Wayfinder, I spent a lot of time studying and adjusting to a stylized art direction instead of our usual realism, which meant a heavy focus on exaggerated shapes and colours. I feel I have shown an understanding and improvement in this area throughout my project, with materials such as my patchy cloth or squid tentacle textures.

What lessons did you learn from undertaking your project that you'll take with you into your career?

One lesson that I will carry with me into future projects is to manage your time very wisely. What makes me say this is that in multiple team projects, we may have acted too relaxed thinking we had more time than we had, then needing to have a crunch period in the final month of the project. Another lesson I have learned is to consider all feedback given for your future projects and tasks because, with the help of others giving their opinions, you can achieve the best possible version of your work!

What would your ideal first role in the industry be?

I would love to start my journey into this industry as a Material Artist in any size production company because I would love the opportunity to improve my skills even further on actual industry projects. I could also be given the chance to learn completely new techniques used in the industry, such as working on a completely different style, or using softwares I would be inexperienced in.

What's an achievement from the past 3 years that you're proud of?

In our year 2 final project, by the time the final 4 weeks rolled around, our group realised we were unhappy with the overall quality of the project and so we experienced our first proper crunch period. It took a lot of commitment from the whole team, as well as solving lots of time management and prioritisation issues. So while I created some new friends, we drastically improved the quality of our level by submission, and I am incredibly proud of what me and my group were able to create.

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